Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stargirl By Jerry Spinelli


The book , Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, starts out with Leo (a tenth grader) and Stargirl Caraway(a ninth grader). They both go to Mica High School and everyone knows that Stargirl Caraway was different. She owned a rat, wore long flowing dresses, played the ukulele, and didn't belong in a group. Everyone loved her until she cheered for the other at a big basketball game. Only a few people like her and Leo is one of them. He likes her a lot. Once they fall in love, people began to ignore both of them. Leo doesn't like it and convinces Stargirl to change into someone "normal." Event after she won a state championship nobody at the school excepts her so she changed back to her normal stargirl self. THen she disappeared and no one ever saw her again. Fifteen years later Leo receives a package in the mail from Stargirl and then the book ends.

I think the theme of this story is putting others before yourself. That's because Stargirl is always caring about others. She goes around to people giving them cards and such. She also sings birthday songs at lunch to people and gives them gifts. That's why I think the theme of this book is putting others before yourself.

I liked this book because it brought out important lessons in life. For example, it's what's on the inside that counts or be yourself. Although I didn't like the ending of the book when Stargirl just disappeared, I would recommend this book to other people.

Stargirl is a good book to read and if you haven't read it yet, I suggest you do.

I got my picture at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargirl_(novel)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

ipods and Mp3 Players at School

  Have you ever seen a person walking down the street with ear phones coming out of their pocket? Many kids at Blatchley Middle School enjoy listening to music in there every day lives. Kids listen to music when they do their chores so they can get the job done in a fun quick way. Music reduces any distractions which help get any work done quickly. You can also listen to your music without distracting other people. Therefor, I think the kids at Blatchley Middle School should be allowed to have music players in school.

        First of all, music reduces distractions. While kids are working on a project that you have to focus on, music blocks out other things that make you stop focusing. For example, say the person next to you is having a conversation about something off topic. Instead of having to listen to them, you can put in your earphones and get you work done. Even if you don't have an ipod or mp3 player, other distracting kids will be listening to their music and won't be talking.  Kids will also be tuned into their work instead of staring out the window. Music will make it easier to focus for everyone. That is one reason why kids at Blatchley Middle School should be able to listen to ipods and mp3 players at school. 

        Another reason why we should have ipods at school is because of the earphones that ipods have. Instead of listening to music all together and distracting other classes, kids would be listening their own music in a quiet way. That way, nearby classes would be focused on their work and not be  distracted by the rowdy music and talking in the next door class. For people who don't have music players, it will still be easier to work beacause of the quiet classroom. Earphones on music players make it easier to focus on work for everyone.

        My third reason why the kids at Blatchley Middle School should be able to have ipods and mp3 players at school is that music will reduce most stress. When I get stressed, a good way to feel relaxed again is to listen to music. If music players were allowed in school, kids could lose their stressing problems and focus on their work. Kids could finish their work and not feel stressed when they are done. That is another reason why kids should be allowed to have music players allowed in school.

        Next time you see someone walking down the street with earphones, think of the benifits. Music players will block out distractions, have earphones, and reduce stress. Therefor, I think the kids at Blatchley Middle School should be allowed to have music players in school.

 I got my picture at   http://verifiedappledeals.com/apple/apple-ipod-earphones-extend-your-lifestyle-with-apple-ipod-mp3-white-earphones/

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Surprise in the Sky

            I started out my day as usual by peeking out of the brown blinds covering my bedroom window. As predicted by my uncle, the weather was abnormally windy. The sky was a mix of different grays, and the orange autumn trees danced above the roof tops. Everything squealed and shook like a kettle of boiling water.
            I stomped down the stairs, slipped on my flimsy raincoat and my large rubber boots, then slipped outside into the windy weekend air. The streets were empty and silent which made me feel like an intruder. I tied back my brown hair into a ponytail, and then walked quickly to my cousin’s house. I ran up the steps but only to open the door to a noisy group of people (including my family) singing to something that sounded like Snoopy and the Red Barren.
            My uncle was wearing an aviator badge which I could only assume was the one he talked about a lot. It was old and musty looking, like it had been in the attic for years. He rubbed his thumb and index finger over it while he smiled at a party guest passing by. Uncle loved that badge. I could tell.
            I walked up to my older brother and tapped him on the shoulder.
            “What?” he said as if he had just eaten a whole block of sharp cheddar cheese.
            “Which holiday are we celebrating this week? Is it Amelia Earhart’s birthday?” I asked. My uncle is always throwing celebrations for holidays. They’re more like anniversaries or just random subjects. We once celebrated the international day of Roses, and another time we had a Water day. Sometimes I think Uncle makes up the holidays just so he can sip punch with all of his friends.
             “Alaska Aviation Day,” my brother replied.
            “Indeed,” I turned around to see my uncle’s insane eyes and childish smile which wasn’t a very good sign.
            “Hi Uncle,” I said ignoring his dangerous emotions, “You really planned this holiday.”
            He chuckled and said, “This isn’t even the best part!”
            “What’s the best part?” I asked.
            “You don’t know?! I called up one of my old aviator friends yesterday in honor of this holiday, and guess what? He’s taking to Petersburg in his Dehavalin Beaver for free!”
            “What? What are we going in?” I asked.
            He spelled it for me, and said, “It’s a plane!”
            “Oh,” I said trying to sound appreciative.
            We leave tomorrow so you better get ready!” He said as he walked off gleefully.
            “Oh well,” I said to myself, “how bad can a plane ride get?”
            The next day I woke up, packed my bags, and hopped in the car with my brother, cousin, and uncle. When we got out of the vehicle, I was facing a small, blue and white bush plane.
            “This is the plane we’re riding on? I thought it would be… bigger.”
            Uncle winked.
            I climbed onto the plane hesitantly. My cousin sat next to me, and my brother squished himself to the window as far as he could. Uncle was outside consulting with the pilot. They were talking about something but I couldn’t hear what it was about. It assumed they were talking about the weather because they kept pointing over the mountains in the distance. This was insane, but before I could speak up, Uncle and the pilot jumped in and started the loud engine. The plane lifted up off the ground, and sadly my stomach didn’t seem to want to.
            “Whoa!” Cousin Rose yelled over the engine.
            We climbed high over the dark green tree tops, and glistening blue ocean. Fishing boats bobbed up and down next to the shore line, and an eagle soared over various rocks and islands. After about half an hour, I started to get sleepy. I would have took a nap, but the lumpy seat underneath me felt just about as hard as the plastic McDonald’s happy meal toys my cousin owned.
            I took a glance out of the tiny window to my right. Something patchy above mountains hung suspended in the air. It was fog. The pilot saw it to. All of a sudden he started flicking switches left and right. I watched carefully as he jabbered into his flashy radio. He looked concerned. So did Uncle.
            Suddenly the white air swallowed the plane. The eerie fog blocked the view from the windows.
            Then the pilot turned around towards us and yelled, “There’s fog everywhere! We’ll have to land at Baranof Warm Springs!”
            “What?” my brother yelled.
            “The fog is too thick! We have to stop!” Uncle yelled.
            We all fell silent and peered out of the windows like it was an exciting TV program. After we were temporarily through the fog, we were over a small beautiful bay. A waterfall sparkled below us. The mountains above the bay stood tall and proud like a king speaking in front of his city. A few small houses were lined up against the shoreline.
            Just then the plane zoomed towards the giant mountain. I held my breath.
Were we going to crash? The mountain side got closer and closer. My cousin closed her eyes, squeezed my hand like it was made of silly putty, then started singing the ABCs she had just learned. My brother bit his lip and gripped his seatbelt tightly.
            Just before I thought I was going to die, the relaxed pilot banked sharply and zoomed towards the other mountainside. Around and around we went like we were trying to make a tornado. Each time we circled; we inched downwards which scared me half to death. I wanted to speak up but the sour lump in my throat blocked my words.
            Once we were level with the sparkling waterfall I realized that we had been descending this whole time.
            The pilot zipped downwards. We were inches away from the surface. Anytime now we would be on the water. The plane finally touched the bay with a small bounce. Then it zoomed across the surface like it was a sled flying down a steep hill.
            Once the plane slowed, the pilot turned us around towards a skinny dock I hadn’t noticed while we were in the air. We glided towards the wood dock and stopped with little effort.           I hopped out of the plane and kissed the brown planks just for laughs, than ran up towards the shore. We were alive and that’s all that mattered.

Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson

I read the book, Fever 1793, for my book review and I loved it. I liked it because of it's unpredictable story, interesting theme, and it's exciting, rising plot.

This unpredictable book starts with Mattie Cook working lazily at the family coffee house with her strict mother, Eliza (the chef), and her kind-hearted grandfather. Then the story takes an exciting turn when yellow fever breaks out everywhere around Philadelphia. Mattie flees the city with her grandfather in fear of the spreading disease but only to go through pain, starvation, robbers, carcasses, and yellow eyes. Later in the story we find her wandering through the streets searching for old friends, food, and shelter from the boiling sun.

I think the theme of this book is experiencing a major, historical, and deadly epidemic. The main character went through living in a city haunted by the dead, the sick, and the orphans. In the book it says, "There could be no running from this. Hiding from this was not like hiding from mother when she wanted me to scrub kettles, or ignoring Silas when he begged for food. I was the only one left." This book has a really good way of describing how awful life was during the fever in 1793. The theme makes me really appreciate the fact that I wasn't there to see it all.

I really enjoyed this book because I never had a dull moment while I read it. Each chapter gets more addicting every minute. When I finished it, I was sad it was over. I recommend this book to people who get bored with most books because this story was better than watching a movie. I also recommend this book to people who like adventure and excitement.

Those are the reasons why I loved this book. It has an unpredictable story, interesting theme, and an exciting, rising plot. I hope you read and enjoy this book as much as I did.

I got my picture at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Fever_1793.jpg